Top 10k strings from Brainstorm (1983)(Micromega)(16k).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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2 BRAINSTORM 2 ;l$;l$;l$;l$;l$; 2 ;"Thanks for the game"; 2 ;"Press ENTER to finish": 2 ;"BRAIN STORM"; 1 you ten to find - difficulty 5 gives you 30! 1 you have only a moment to remember it before the 1 whichever of keys 5 to 8 is marked with the 1 which direction the move is to be made by pressing 1 up or down. In the easy game you have two spare 1 seeking the number 1, then 2, etc. If you have the 1 right one it will remain open in red. If you are wrong 1 places, and only one in the difficult game. 1 n(v)+" ")( 1 n(i)=a(x): 1 moved by giving its row or column. Finally, say in 1 move. Next, specify the last letter in the block to be 1 move them again! 1 model will turn yellow . . . until you are forced to 1 l$=" " 1 door closes again. You only have 100 chances 1 computer model by shunting rows of letters across, 1 c$=" " 1 before you run out. If you succeed it gets harder 1 b$(i)=a$(x): 1 appropriate arrow. 1 a$(x)=a$(i) 1 Your task is to rearrange yours to match the 1 You are shown this, with your own alphabetical one. 1 Type LOAD"" and press ENTER. 1 The program will run automatically when it has loaded. 1 The computer generates a randomised letter matrix. 1 TZXed by Martin Harrison5Instructions ` 1 SIDE 2 - Puzzler 1 SIDE 1 - Brainstorm 1 Puzzler by S.Brooks 1 Play tape with tone and volume set to maximum. 1 PUZZLER 1 Original Release 1 Load as above. 1 Good luck - it may be hours before anyone hears from you . . . 1 First, specify which row or column you wish to 1 Enter the two-digit code for each door in turn, first: 1 Brainstorm (Micromega) 1 Brain Storm by S.Brooks 1 Behind the doors lie the numbers. Difficulty 1 gives 1 Any letters in your matrix that match the computer 1 ;l$;l$;l$;l$;l$: 1 ;c$;c$;c$;c$ 1 ;c$+c$+c$; 1 ;"which row do you wish to move?" 1 ;"which level of difficulty "; 1 ;"where from?" 1 ;"well, now it gets harder": 1 ;"select will reveal the hidden"; 1 ;"pretty clever ..": 1 ;"of small numbered rectangles,"; 1 ;"number for a short time - you"; 1 ;"must remember it's location" 1 ;"is concealed" 1 ;"in which direction?" 1 ;"in the correct order"; 1 ;"fewest goes. Each number you"; 1 ;"eg you could move r7 along or col d down towards empty spaces by pressing 7 or d at the first prompt": 1 ;"careful you don't strain your brain - see if you can manage "; 1 ;"but I've still got a bit up my sleeve - try this for size": 1 ;"behind each of which a number"; 1 ;"a b c d" 1 ;"You're the "; 1 ;"You will be shown a pattern"; 1 ;"You really haven't got a very good memory": 1 ;"You now have to find ";k 1 ;"You must find the hidden ";x; 1 ;"You must find all the numbers"; 1 ;"You must answer 3 questions to tell the computer which row or column you want to move, where from, and in which direction 1 ;"Yes, you're pretty smart ..": 1 ;"Would you like it explained again?(y/n)": 1 ;"Would you like another game?": 1 ;"Which rectangle would you like to open? Enter 2 digits" 1 ;"Well done !!": 1 ;"Welcome to "; 1 ;"WELL DONE"; 1 ;"This is a game of"; 1 ;"PUZZLER": 1 ;"Oh dear ....": 1 ;"OK, you managed that, I admit, yes it impresses me": 1 ;"Now to move v down I type b (for row b), from 6, and press 6, for the cursor down - 1 ;"Now challenge your family and friends, and see if you can remain CHAMP": 1 ;"Next input where from - using abc or d if 1 to 7 was used before, and vice-versa": 1 ;"I bet you thought that was"; 1 ;"Goes Left:"; 1 ;"Finally give the direction of movement using the 4 cursor keys (5 to 8)": 1 ;"Fancy another game? (y/n)" 1 ;"Enter difficulty (1 - 5)" 1 ;"Don't get too ambitious .. I can still make it tougher": 1 ;"Do you want to go through the rules? (y/n)": 1 ;"But ";100 1 ;"????? PUZZLER ?????" 1 ;"*******"; 1 ;"(1 - hard or 2 - easier)?" 1 ;"%%%%%% "; 1 ;" in the"; 1 ;" in ";100 1 ;" Your object is to move letters around the right square until it matches the left hand one"; 1 ;" %%%%%%": 1 ;" ";b$(i);" "; 1 -g;" goes": 1 -g;" goes really wasn't that smart .. try this one !!": 1 **************** 1 *(ax=bx);p$; 1 )));" ";l$;" "; 1 to continue": 1 if for the 1st question I typed in 7, then b and then pressed 8 I would get:": 1 C 1 I 1 1